Grep output file name
Grep output file name

grep output file name

That will ensure you obtain results perfectly identical to those described in the rest of this article: git clone You can download that source tree from GitHub, and if you want, you may even check out the same changeset I used when writing this article. So, I will use the Asciidoctor.js source tree to illustrate some of the grep capabilities. It is always better to have real-world examples to learn how things work. However, don’t be fooled by such humble definition: grep is one of the most useful tools in the Unix toolbox and there are countless occasions to use it as soon as you work with text files. If you look into the man, you will see that short description for the grep tool: “print lines matching a pattern.” Real-life useful examples of the grep commands in Linux


I am going to share with you how to use grep command in Linux with examples. But my secret weapon to find my way through so many code lines is the grep tool. It is not always easy to be immediately effective when you dig for the first time into a codebase containing several thousand of lines. Recently, I started working with Asciidoctor.js and on the Asciidoctor.js-pug and Asciidoctor-templates.js project.

Grep output file name